Company Profile
Kinetic Key Engineering Company was established in 1988 and incorporated in 1991 in Hong Kong. Kinetic Key Company Limited (KKCL) has been a Professional Contractor for Marine Engineering and Commercial Diving projects, above and under the water, in Hong Kong and China (PRC) for over 35 years.
Marine Works provided include but are not limited to Ship Repairs, Supply and Installation of Mooring Facilities, HDPE/Steel Solar-lighted Boundary/Warning Buoys, HDPE/Aluminium Floating Pontoons and Gangways, Pneumatic/EVA/Rubber Fenders and Underwater Services.
Kinetic Key Company Limited (KKCL) is currently an Exclusive Diving Contractor of the Hong Kong Government Dockyard, responsible for providing emergency underwater services to over 200 Government Vessels patrolling the Hong Kong water.
Underwater Services provided include but are not limited to mooring facilities, wreck recovery and marine maintenance for Yacht Clubs, Private Boat Owners and Marine Construction Companies.
Mr Kin-Kwong Li, the Managing Director of KKCL, is a Registered Marine Engineer and Course Director for Recreational Diving and Commercial Diving. He earned his Professional Registration in the UK, USA, Canada, China (PRC) and Hong Kong since 1991.
Mr Li began his marine engineering career as a Mechanical Apprentice and ended up in the position of Ship Repair Superintendent at the Hong Kong United Dockyards Ltd. from 1969 to 1983. He later worked as the Electrical and Mechanical Manager of BBC Brown Boveri (now called ABB) and Manager of Hong Kong Divers Ltd. from 1983 to 1989. He is a Specialist in constructing and maintaining ocean-going vessels and marine facilities.
His passion for training quality divers and promoting diving-related education led to the formation of the Hong Kong Institute of Scuba Training Ltd. (HKIST) in Hong Kong in 1990 and Scuba World (Shenzhen) Co. Ltd. (SZSWC) in Shenzhen, China (PRC) in 2004. As a Professional Engineer and Diving Instructor for over 30 years, Mr Li has trained and certified more than 4,000 students, including 300 Professional Instructors. He will continue to provide all training courses to enable you to become the best and the most respectable divers and dive leaders in the diving community.
With his sound experience in marine engineering and commercial diving, Mr Li has been invited as an Expert Witness at the High Court in Hong Kong since 1998, where he provided expert opinions on marine, recreational and commercial diving accidents.
Professional Qualifications of Mr Kin-Kwong Li:
Graduated in Mechanical Engineering (Mech. Eng.)
Master of Business Administration (MBA)
Chartered Manager – Canadian Institute of Business Administration (C. Mgr., CIBA)
Fellow – Institute of Marine Engineers, Science and Technology (IMarEST)
Fellow – Hong Kong Institute of Engineers (HKIE)
Fellow – Hong Kong Institute of Marine Technology (HKIMT)
Member – Chinese Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (CSNAME)
Course Director – National Association of Commercial Diving Specialists (NACDS)
Course Director – National Association of Underwater Instructors (NAUI)
National Instructor – World Underwater Federation (CMAS)
National Instructor – Chinese Underwater Association (CUA)
National Instructor – Hong Kong Underwater Association (HKUA)
Diving Supervisor – Chinese General Administration of Sports Registration (CGASR)
Nitrox and Rebreather Instructor – Technical Diving International (TDI)
Diving First Aid Instructor – NAUI powered by Diver Alert Networks (NAUI-DAN)
First Aid Instructor Trainer – National Safety Council (NSC)
IRB Instructor – Inflatable Rescue Boat (IRB)
Pleasure Vessel Grade One (Any length) Operator Certificate – Hong Kong Marine Department (HKMD)
Company Profile
Kinetic Key Engineering Company was established in 1988 and incorporated in 1991 in Hong Kong. Kinetic Key Company Limited (KKCL) has been a Professional Contractor for Marine Engineering and Commercial Diving projects, above and under the water, in Hong Kong and China (PRC) for over 35 years.
Marine Works provided include but are not limited to Ship Repairs, Supply and Installation of Mooring Facilities, HDPE/Steel Solar-lighted Boundary/Warning Buoys, HDPE/Aluminium Floating Pontoons and Gangways, Pneumatic/EVA/Rubber Fenders and Underwater Services.
Kinetic Key Company Limited (KKCL) is currently an Exclusive Diving Contractor of the Hong Kong Government Dockyard, responsible for providing emergency underwater services to over 200 Government Vessels patrolling the Hong Kong water.
Underwater Services provided include but are not limited to mooring facilities, wreck recovery and marine maintenance for Yacht Clubs, Private Boat Owners and Marine Construction Companies.
Mr Kin-Kwong Li, the Managing Director of KKCL, is a Registered Marine Engineer and Course Director for Recreational Diving and Commercial Diving. He earned his Professional Registration in the UK, USA, Canada, China (PRC) and Hong Kong since 1991.
Mr Li began his marine engineering career as a Mechanical Apprentice and ended up in the position of Ship Repair Superintendent at the Hong Kong United Dockyards Ltd. from 1969 to 1983. He later worked as the Electrical and Mechanical Manager of BBC Brown Boveri (now called ABB) and Manager of Hong Kong Divers Ltd. from 1983 to 1989. He is a Specialist in constructing and maintaining ocean-going vessels and marine facilities.
His passion for training quality divers and promoting diving-related education led to the formation of the Hong Kong Institute of Scuba Training Ltd. (HKIST) in Hong Kong in 1990 and Scuba World (Shenzhen) Co. Ltd. (SZSWC) in Shenzhen, China (PRC) in 2004. As a Professional Engineer and Diving Instructor for over 30 years, Mr Li has trained and certified more than 4,000 students, including 300 Professional Instructors. He will continue to provide all training courses to enable you to become the best and the most respectable divers and dive leaders in the diving community.
With his sound experience in marine engineering and commercial diving, Mr Li has been invited as an Expert Witness at the High Court in Hong Kong since 1998, where he has provided expert opinions on marine, recreational and commercial diving accidents.
Professional Qualifications of Mr Kin-Kwong Li:
Graduated in Mechanical Engineering (Mech. Eng.)
Master of Business Administration (MBA)
Chartered Manager – Canadian Institute of Business Administration (C. Mgr., CIBA)
Fellow – Institute of Marine Engineers, Science and Technology (IMarEST)
Fellow – Hong Kong Institute of Engineers (HKIE)
Fellow – Hong Kong Institute of Marine Technology (HKIMT)
Member – Chinese Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (CSNAME)
Course Director – National Association of Commercial Diving Specialists (NACDS)
Course Director – National Association of Underwater Instructors (NAUI)
National Instructor – World Underwater Federation (CMAS)
National Instructor – Chinese Underwater Association (CUA)
National Instructor – Hong Kong Underwater Association (HKUA)
Diving Supervisor – Chinese General Administration of Sports Registration (CGASR)
Nitrox and Rebreather Instructor – Technical Diving International (TDI)
Diving First Aid Instructor – NAUI powered by Diver Alert Networks (NAUI-DAN)
First Aid Instructor Trainer – National Safety Council (NSC)
IRB Instructor – Inflatable Rescue Boat (IRB)
Pleasure Vessel Grade One (Any length) Operator Certificate – Hong Kong Marine Department (HKMD)
Professional Services
Professional Services
EVA-Polyurea Mooring Buoys and HDPE or Steel Warning Buoys with Solar-powered Lantern
Kinetic Key Company Limited (KKCL) established production lines in China (PRC) to design and develop the Non-metal Mooring Buoys that are either made in high-density Ethylene-Vinyl Acetate (EVA) assembled with an all-in-one stainless-steel Middle Shaft that includes the top and bottom mooring rings, then thoroughly sprayed with Polyurea for watertight, maintenance-free and long-lasting; or used the Fiberglass (GRP) Through-Chain Module filled with rigid Polyurethane (PU) inside and fitted with Reinforced Rubber Fenders outside.
EVA-Polyurea Mooring Buoys have been well-accepted as more reliable, long-lasting and maintenance-free products for long-term operation. KKCL is currently working with Yacht Clubs and Private Boat Owners to upgrade their Steel Mooring Buoys with our newly developed EVA-Polyurea Mooring Buoys.
KKCL also tailor-makes and installs High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE) or Steel Warning Buoys with Solar-powered Lantern (Class 1 & Class 2) for Marine Construction Companies upon project requirements, including the supply of all required Components, such as Chains, Swivels, Shackles and Concrete Sinkers. All products fully meet the requirements of the Hong Kong Marine Department.
A sample of the EVA-Polyurea Mooring Buoy is available at our warehouse in the New Territories for your inspection and hands-on experience. For more information about Mooring Facilities, please browse [Mooring Systems].
Marine Works and Supplies
Kinetic Key Company Limited (KKCL) can handle most Marine Works for Ship Owners, Yacht Clubs and Marine Construction Companies. KKCL works with China (PRC) manufacturers to supply and install all kinds of HDPE and Aluminum Floating Pontoons with Gangways, Pneumatic Fenders, Rubber Fenders and EVA Fenders in Hong Kong upon project requirements. For more information on Marine Works, please browse [Marine Engineering].
Commercial Diving Services and Training
Kinetic Key Company Limited (KKCL) has completed various kinds of Marine Works and Commercial Diving Services for Government Departments and Marine Construction Companies in Hong Kong for over 35 years. Commercial Diving Services provided include but are not limited to Ship Repairs, Wreck Recovery, Underwater Inspection, Cutting, Welding, Drilling, Grinding, Assembly and Disassembly.
KKCL is currently an Exclusive Diving Contractor of the Hong Kong Government Dockyard, responsible for providing emergency underwater services to over 200 Government Vessels patrolling the Hong Kong water.
Underwater Services on mooring facilities, compliance surveys, wreck recovery and marine maintenance for Yacht Clubs, Private Boat Owners and Marine Construction Companies are available upon request. For more information about Commercial Diving Services, please browse [Commercial Diving].
All Commercial Divers and Diving Supervisors are fully qualified and well-trained by our Group Companies in Hong Kong and China (PRC). Professional Dive Training and Equipment Supplies for recreational and commercial diving are available at our Dive Training Centre with an Equipment Showroom located by the sea in Dapeng New District, Shenzhen, China (PRC) or our Dive Club in Hong Kong. For more information on Commercial Diving Training Courses, please browse [Dive Training].
For any of the above Professional Services and Supplies, please get in touch with Mr Li at Tel. (852) 9488 4148 or (86) 138 2522 3300, WhatsApp 6952 8400 or E-mail We are confident that our Professional Teams will provide the best solutions for your inquiries.
EVA-Polyurea Mooring Buoys and HDPE or Steel Warning Buoys with Solar-powered Lantern
Marine Works and Supplies
Kinetic Key Company Limited (KKCL) can handle most Marine Works for Ship Owners, Yacht Clubs, and Marine Construction Companies. KKCL also works with China (PRC) manufacturers to supply and install all kinds of HDPE and aluminium Floating Pontoons with Gangways, Pneumatic Fenders, Rubber Fenders and EVA Fenders in Hong Kong upon project requirements. For more information about Marine Works, please browse [Marine Engineering].
Commercial Diving Service and Training
Kinetic Key Company Limited (KKCL) has completed various kinds of Marine Works and Commercial Diving Services for Government Departments and Marine Construction Companies in Hong Kong for over 35 years. Commercial Diving Services provided include but are not limited to Ship Repairs, Wreck Recovery, Underwater Inspection, Cutting, Welding, Drilling, Grinding, Assembly and Disassembly.
KKCL is currently an Exclusive Diving Contractor of the Hong Kong Government Dockyard, responsible for providing emergency underwater services to over 200 Government Vessels patrolling the Hong Kong water.
Underwater Services on mooring facilities, compliance surveys, wreck recovery and marine maintenance for Yacht Clubs, Private Boat Owners and Marine Construction Companies are available upon request. For more information about Commercial Diving Services, please browse [Commercial Diving].
All Commercial Divers and Diving Supervisors are fully qualified and well-trained by our Group Companies in Hong Kong and China (PRC). Professional Dive Training and Equipment Supplies for recreational and commercial diving are available at our Dive Training Centre with an Equipment Showrom located by the sea in Dapeng New District, Shenzhen, China (PRC) or our Dive Club in Hong Kong. For information on Commercial Diving Training Courses, please browse [Dive Training].
For any of the above Professional Services and Supplies, please get in touch with Mr Li at Tel. (852) 9488 4148 or (86) 138 2522 3300, WhatsApp 6952 8400 or E-mail We are confident that our Professional Teams will provide the best solutions for your inquiries.